Little By Little, A Little Becomes A Lot
April is recognized as National Stress Awareness Month to bring attention to the negative impact of stress. Have you ever been in a situation that was a little (or a lot) overwhelming, you had deadlines approaching and a mile-long to-do list, and you were just in way over your head?! Well, you’re definitely not alone. Everyone feels stressed from time to time, especially as we get older and the responsibilities really pile onto our plate. The thing about stress is that a little bit of it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but too much of it can be detrimental to our emotional and physical health. Learning to find a healthy balance is the best way to live a productive, happy life.
The theme for Stress Awareness Month 2024, Little By Little, highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small, positive actions on overall well-being. Even the smallest steps taken each day towards self-care and stress reduction can yield significant improvements in mental health over time.
We encourage you to focus on making manageable adjustments to your daily routine. While the impact of small actions on their own may seem little, the cumulative effects of these habits can end up being profound!
Prioritize Sleep
Take small steps to improve your bedtime routine. Wind down before bed by minimizing your screen time ∙ Make your bedroom a ‘tech-free’ zone ∙ Create a clean and restful sleep environment ∙ Jot down what’s on your mind and set it aside for tomorrow ∙ Avoid caffeine after 4 P.M.
Practice Mindfulness
Experts call changing the way we think about and respond to stress “mindfulness.” View sitting in traffic or around the house as an opportunity to enjoy music, podcasts, or pleasant views. Reduce anger in response to rude or aggressive behavior by imagining what might be happening in that person’s life. Keeping situations in perspective is an important way to boost stress resilience. If you practice mindfulness, you will get better at it over time.
Stay connected and make new friends
Stay in touch with family, friends, and groups in your life — technology makes this easier than ever. Having or being a person to talk with can be reassuring and calming.
Do something that you enjoy
Do something that you enjoy, such as reading a book or listening to music, which can be a way to shift your attention and focus on the positive rather than the negative.
Spend time in nature
Take some time out of your day to step outside, get some fresh air, and spend time in nature. This could be eating your lunch outside or taking a short work after work. Simulate your senses and look at the beauty of nature
Move in your own way
Get moving the way you want to. This could be walking, running, yoga, stretching, or doing some gardening. Move in a way you’ll enjoy, get those endorphins flowing, and let off some steam.
Employee Spotlight
At StoneRiver Company, we highly value our team and recognize the significant contribution they make towards our success. Our team's accomplishments are celebrated on a daily basis, and we take pride in them. We're thrilled to share their stories with the world, and we'll be highlighting one employee every month.
Click on the picture to learn more about Lexus.
What is your role at StoneRiver, and how long have you been a part of the team?
In December 2022, I joined StoneRiver as a Leasing Agent at Inverness Cliffs. My primary responsibilities in this role are to respond to inquiries from potential tenants and provide them with information about available units, lease terms, and amenities. I also conduct property tours, showcasing the features and benefits of each unit and addressing any questions they may have. Additionally, I oversee the leasing process, including screening applicants, verifying documentation, and preparing lease agreements.
What’s your ideal way to spend your weekends?
When I have weekends off, spending quality time with my family is my absolute favorite thing to do.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, I remember dreaming endlessly about what I wanted to be when I grew up. Among all the professions that I explored, the one that stood out the most was becoming a dentist.
What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
When I’m having a rough day, and everything seems to be going wrong, I have a go-to solution that always helps me turn things around – drinking a cup of coffee. There’s something about the aroma and warmth of coffee that just puts me in a better mood and helps me focus. Whether it’s the caffeine or the ritual of preparing and enjoying the drink, I’m not sure, but I know that drinking coffee always makes my day a little bit brighter.
What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
I am making a conscious effort to incorporate positivity into my daily life, even when I am faced with challenging or unfavorable circumstances. I believe that maintaining a positive attitude can help me navigate through difficult situations with greater ease and resilience.
What advice would you give to someone just starting their career journey with StoneRiver?
One thing I would let someone just starting their career journey with StoneRiver know is that you will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights and knowledge every single day. The work environment is dynamic and challenging, and you will be exposed to a wide range of projects that will help you sharpen your skills and expertise. Whether you are a recent graduate or an experienced professional, there are always new things to learn and exciting challenges to take on.
What led you to this career?
During my previous job, I caught the attention of someone who saw potential in me and believed that I had the necessary skills and qualities to thrive in my current career. Their observation and encouragement led me to pursue this career path, and I am grateful for their guidance and support.
We Need Your Help!
Help us find our next employee spotlight. Know someone who went above and beyond? Submit your nominee’s name, property, and accomplishment here.
Employee News
New Hires and Promotions
Promotion – Emily Jordan:
It is with great pleasure to announce the promotion of Emily Jordan to Chief of Staff for StoneRiver Company and StoneRiver Property Management. In this new role, Emily will work across both companies to strengthen collaboration and internal operational aspects of the companies, which will set us up for future growth and success. While Emily will be working with functional department heads across both companies, she will also work directly with Catherine and her team in building infrastructure for property management and enhancing the company culture through strengthened communication.
Prior to coming to StoneRiver, Emily held various positions with The Bissell Companies and Trammell Crow. She has spent most of her career in accounting, special projects, and management positions. One of her specialties is building out processes and procedures while maintaining a team-oriented atmosphere. While she has been with StoneRiver, Emily has been involved in the growth and worked strategically with senior leadership to build the company we are today. Her previous roles in accounting and operations, along with her experience prior to coming to StoneRiver, uniquely qualify her to lead this new chapter.
New Hire – Jonathan Morton:
Join us in welcoming Jonathan Morton to the StoneRiver team as our new Floating Maintenance Technician based in Birmingham! He comes to us with 3.5 years of experience from Harbert Realty where he serviced a portfolio of 900+ units throughout the Birmingham Metro Area. In his free time, Johnathan enjoys spending time with his 4-month-old son and playing the occasional game of pickleball. We are so excited to have you on our team!
New Hire – Sheyla Torres:
Welcome, Sheyla Torres! Sheyla recently joined the StoneRiver team as the Leasing Consultant at Terraces at Town Center. She first joined the Property Management industry in 2020, where she quickly developed a passion for helping prospects find their new home! Sheyla is fluent in English, Spanish, American Sign Language, and Korean. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and family.
HR Corner
Vision Service Plan
Vision is offered through the Vision Service Plan (VSP), which is part of StoneRiver’s commitment to your well-being. VSP provides affordable, quality vision care, such as routine eye exams, lenses, frames, contacts, and more.
Plan Highlights (Visit VSP for additional details):
- Well Vision Exam once per calendar year
- Frame allowance every other calendar year
- Single vision, lined bifocal, and lined trifocal lenses every calendar year
- Contact Lens allowance every calendar year (instead of glasses)
* Your coverage goes further if you visit an in-network provider.
How to use VSP:
- Members can create an account on the VSP website to view in-network coverage and find the VSP network doctor who is right for you.
- You will need to provide your SSN and DOB when using your vision insurance since VSP doesn’t issue a vision card. You can register for a VSP account and print a Member ID Card, but this isn’t necessary to use your coverage.
- Your dependents who are enrolled in coverage will also provide your SSN and DOB since you are the primary account holder.
Property News
Employee Handbook Upgrade
SRPM Employee Handbook has received an upgrade! In March, HR launched a new, revamped, and extended Employee Handbook through Policy Partner. This handbook follows the same standards as our Management and Operations, and Maintenance policy manuals, and we are excited for you to have these at your fingertips. If you have any questions about a policy in the Employee Handbook, please reach out to HR, but if you have an access issue or question about how to utilize the handbook, reach out to Katie Roncadori.
This Month’s Celebrations
Earth Day
Earth Day has become an annual event that is held on April 22 each year to show support for environmental protection. This year’s official theme for 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics.” The theme this year is highlighting the growing crisis of plastic pollution that is affecting our planet. Did you know that over eight million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans annually?
Below are a few ways we can all make a difference: by participating in “Planet vs. Plastics” activities and creating new habits that can contribute to a healthier planet and reduce plastic production.
Community Clean-Ups
Participate in local efforts to clean up plastic waste from parks, beaches, and neighborhoods.
Plastics-Free Challenges
Commit to a week or month without buying or using single-use plastics
Conserving Water
Adopting simple habits like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth
Supporting Sustainable Brands
Make a conscious decision to support businesses committed to reducing plastic use.
Policy Advocacy
Write to local legislators for changes in plastic production and waste management policies.
Personal Pledges
Make personal pledges to adopt more sustainable habits, such as using public transport or walking instead of driving, conserving water, and supporting renewable energy sources.
To find more ways to make a difference visit
Service Day
StoneRiver’s Annual Service Day takes place in the month of April. It is always a great time to give back to the community and have a little fun with your team members. We can’t wait to see those pictures in the May issue of the StoneRiver Scoop.
Canned Food Drive
Our annual canned food drive starts April 1st! Please help donate to those in hunger.
At the end of the month, each participating property will donate canned food to a local food pantry in their area.
Below are a few of their most needed items:
- Canned Meat (Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, etc.)
- Canned Vegetables (Low/No Sodium Preferred)
- Canned Fruit, Applesauce
- Canned or Boxed Meals (Chef Boyardee, Beef Stew, etc.)
- Boxed Mac & Cheese
- Potato Flakes
- Peanut Butter or Other Nut Butter
- Canned or Dried Beans, Peas, Lentils, etc.
- Pasta, Rice, Quinoa, or Other Healthy Carbohydrates
- Breakfast Cereals, Oatmeal, Grits, Other Breakfast Foods
- 100% Fruit Juice (Canned, Plastic Bottles, or Boxes)
- Shelf-stable milk (Dairy or Non-Dairy Alternatives such as Oat, Almond, Coconut, etc.)
- other healthy, low-fat, low-sodium, and low-sugar products
National Pet Month Coming Up
It’s time to show your pet some extra love and appreciation for National Pet Month, which begins on May 1! Did you know that about 80 million homes in America have an animal family member? And about half of those households have more than one. We want to celebrate how important our pets are by showcasing them in our next newsletter! Send in your pet photos, along with the pet’s name, and we will be sure to show off your best friend in our newsletter!
Property Operational Tips
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Every year on April 28th, people across the globe come together to celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. This is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus on preventing occupational accidents and diseases. By promoting a safety and health culture at work, we can work towards reducing the number of work-related deaths and injuries. Join us in spreading the word and making a positive impact on workplace safety!
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024 is all set to explore the impacts of climate change on occupational safety & health!
Changing weather patterns have significantly impacted the world of work, especially when it comes to workers’ safety and health. Climate change has brought about many occupational risks, like heat stress and air pollution, which could potentially impact our teams. But fear not! We have some exciting tips for you to keep yourself safe and healthy.
If you are someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, you must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of liquids. Water, water with electrolytes, Gatorade, or similar sports drinks are the best ways to ensure you are getting enough hydration. If you are in the sun during those times, be sure to wear a hat to shield yourself. And hey, you can even get creative and try out cooling towels or cooling cloths to wear around your neck to beat the heat. So, let’s gear up and keep ourselves safe and healthy at work!
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to all of the April birthdays:
- 4/06 – Blake Sellers (Birmingham)
- 4/07 – Taylor Marie Hardy (Birmingham)
- 4/12 – Marc Zavala (Pecan Springs)
- 4/14 – Katie Roncadori (Birmingham)
- 4/23 – Paul Daniels (Birmingham)
- 4/27 – Mariana Alvarez (Terraces)
- 4/28 – Tim Fitzpatrick (Birmingham)
- 4/28 – Pablo Hernandez (Terraces)
- 3 Year – Sebastian Nord (Vital)
- 3 Year – Rabecca Lenhart (Vital)
- 3 Year – Raquel Lietart (Vital)
- 3 Year – Kris Wilson (Vital)
- 5 Year – Taylor Marie Hardy (Birmingham)
- 7 Year – Mike Ogles (Birmingham)
A Look Ahead
- 04/01 9:00 A.M. PA to submit prelim P2P report to PMs
- 04/01 PMs send reclass & accruals to RMs by EOD
- 04/03 Renewal rates due for July 2024
- 04/03 PMs complete lease trade-out report & send to RM by EOD
- 04/03 RM load final accruals & reclasses to PM drive by EOD
- 04/04 PMs begin initial BV review
- 04/05 Leasing commissions due for the prior month by 5:00 P.M.
- 04/05 PAs send BV & BS reports to the Controller
- 04/08 PAs send BV reports to PMs by 12:00 P.M.
- 04/08 PMs send BV reports with notes to RMs for review by 5:00 P.M.
- 04/09 RMs & PAs to review BV together to finalize changes
- 04/10 Market survey due
- 04/11 PA sends internal reports to the Controller by 5:00 P.M.
- 04/12 RM’s load BV reports with notes to PAs, Controller, VP Accounting & VP PM to PM drive
- 04/12 RMs to upload rent growth reports to PM drive for VP PM & AM
- 04/15 RMs to review for any needed market rent increases
- 04/15 Controller distributes financial packages to investors
- 04/24 Market survey due
- 04/25 PMs send write-offs to RM for review
- 04/26 PMs complete month-end pre-close checklist
- 04/26 RM sends approved write-offs to PA by 9:00 A.M.
- 02/29 PAs to complete write-offs by 5:00 P.M.
- Every Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) – Occupancy updates are due
- 5:00 P.M. Every Thursday – PM weekly checklists are due
- 12:00 P.M. Every Friday – RM weekly checklist due
- 5:00 P.M. Every Friday – clear out your P2P Queue
- 5:00 P.M. Every Friday – be sure to code any credit card receipts
Have an Idea?
Would you like to share your stories, ideas, or comments to feature in our upcoming publications? Kindly send your request and a member of the newsletter committee will get in touch if chosen.